Task Master:  Modern and powerful task management

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Task Master is a next-generation Task Management system. What? Another ToDo system? Why bother?
Let us start with the basics. A ToDo – or Task – in its simplest form is "Do this". So far, so good. If only it stopped there...
Pick up groceries
task list
Pick up groceries
Pay wireless bill
... the problem, of course, there is never just one task to do. Almost always, there is not only "Do this" but also "Do that" — and often a lot more.
There are many commercial tools that handle these task lists as a secondary – not primary – function such as Outlook®, Confluence™ and Evernote™ — not to mention countless apps on iOS™ and Android™. So let us see how Task Master compares.
Buy birthday gift before March 10
Pay taxes by Apr 15
The next evolution for a Task List are items like "Do this by that date". Surprisingly, very few ToDo systems can handle a simple deadline! Why is that? Perhaps because no task ever has a deadline. Uh, really?!?!
Let us carry that one step further — tasks that recur at some interval. This is where Task Master really starts to separate itself. For example, do you need to submit a weekly timecard? Simple: just set up ONE recurring task in Task Master. You can have recurring tasks as short as daily or up to three months or longer. And they do not clutter your Task List until you are within a reasonable time before the next due date.
recurring calendar item
Do weekly report each Friday
Pay wireless bill by 7th of each month
Andrew, pick up the birthday cake
Sarah, pay me rent by first of each month
There is still another problem. What about "Someone else needs to do this" — tasks assigned to others that both of you need to track. Here is where Task Master rises into a class all its own. Multiple members can join a single Task Ledger: a family, friends, work team, or an entire company. Tasks are visible to the creator and owner — and to anyone in the Task Ledger if you want.
What about tasks that are assigned to multiple people? Do your children need to complete daily chores? Or does your staff have common tasks? Again, simple. You can assign a Task to more than one person or – even better – create a named Group such as "Staff" or "Kids". Assign the task to the Group and Task Master assigns the task to each member of the group allowing you to track it individually.
Staff, send your weekly report each Friday
Kids, clean your room before grandma arrives
Task Master is a web-app that is just as happy on a large screen desktop as it is on a small screen phone. Its responsive design works on any device that has a web browser. While easy-to-use, it is also secure with tasks separately encrypted to ensure privacy — even within a single Task Ledger.
There is a LOT more to Task Master you can see by trying the Task Master web app. You can organize tasks, filter tasks, and classify tasks. You can get a notification when a task is nearly due and an app and/or e-mail reminder when a task is overdue. All controllable by you.
"Time card" is due in 2 day(s)
"Create presentation" is overdue

Ready for the BEST PART?
Task Master is FREE to use by families and small teams.
That's right — you pay NOTHING – ever!!!
So take a look at the Task Master web app today!